Vest, when and how to wear it?

The waistcoat is a sleeveless garment that is a fundamental part of elegant clothing . We often ask ourselves whether the waistcoat or waistcoat is more correct? Whether it can be worn with a T-shirt or whether it must be accompanied by a jacket . Read on to learn more!

The waistcoat is synonymous with elegance and follows precise rules.

It is composed of a back part in lining while the front part is made of fabric . At the back there is a lace to adjust the width, at the front there may be three or more buttons .

How do you wear it ?

The waistcoat develops to the present day as
element of a three-piece suit .

It is worn under a jacket or blazer and over a solid color shirt , for example white or light blue.

It is preferable to wear it with a patterned tie but you can also choose a bow tie .

When choosing a waistcoat remember that the number of buttons must be at least one more than the jacket, so choose one with three buttons
if the jacket has two buttons

As with the jacket , the bottom button is kept open
but we have the others always fastened
discussed in this article.

Style tips

Jacket and vest can be combined or contrasted !

The waistcoat is part of elegant and formal clothing but can also be worn without a jacket in informal and sporting contexts.

For those who want to dare and break the rules of classic elegance in favor of a more personal style, we offer matching jackets and waistcoats in many variations of fabrics and patterns.